
Rheinfall - Rheinfalls


Aktuell News

11 Februar 2025:
Reistance against ground water plan Gries

09 Februar 2025:
No merge of political and school municipality in Dachsen

07 Februar 2025:
Superpuma over the rheinfalls: Fake oder Fact?

07 Februar 2025:
Uhwiesen and Dachsen work together about rhein crossing

06 Februar 2025:
Rheinfall is the swiss evaluation king

03 Februar 2025:
Why no Chilbi at the rheinfalls?

29 Januar 2025:
Proactive approach to the lack of space in Feuerthalen and Uhwiesen

27 Januar 2025:
Rilke in Schloss Berg

Ausstellungen - Exhibits

Werner Duerrson

Micky Maus at the Bodensee

Some maps of Uhwiesen and Hornsberg

Panorama path project

Grapes at the rheinfalls

Uhwieser bulletin 2023

They were at the rheinfalls

Once upon a time (Norbert Neininger)

Schaffhausen and Zuerich wine country

Uhwieser bulletin 2022

Fortification at the Schaaren

Peter Zeindler

Klaus Beerli

Swiss Topo Relief

Uhwieser bulletin 2021

Neuhauser Maler

Plan of Schloss Laufen

Drone images of the rheinfalls

Hans Bendel, Painter and illustrator of Schaffhausen

125 years of German trains on Schaffhauser area

Flurlinger Steg



Neuhauser Maler

Ausstellung Zeughaus 2020

Uhwieser bulletin 2020

Immersive Art and ZDF video

Rheinfall Museum Ausstellung

Rheinfall Tourismus

History Rheinfall

History Rheinfall

Rheinfall Rhein

Rheinfall Postkarte

Rheinfall Movie

Rheinfall Illustration

Schaffhausen Umgebung

History Uhwiesen Rheinfall

History Uhwiesen Rheinfall

Geschichte History


Rheinfall Fischerei

Uhwiesen Geographie

Bilder Rheinfall



Kinderbuch Buch

Rheinfall Bild

Gedicht Epple Rheinfall

Uhwiesen Rheinfall

Flugfoto Rheinfall Foto

Museum Art History

Robert Pfaff: A history of the tourism at the rheinfalls

Karten Maps

Kids Image

Albertus Geschichte


Foto Moon

Duffield Painting

Graf painting

Part of a Bleuler Painting

Rheinfall and Neuhausen in the year 2012

Glass dia of the rheinfalls, from around 1940

Print of Rheinfalls from the year 1840

Pictures from the library of Congress

Uhwieser Mappe: nature reservations

Uhwieser Mappe: the painter Konrad Corradi

Uhwieser chronical: without rheinfalls no castle

Photo Hornsberg, 1963

Uhwieser chronical: History of the school in Uhwiesen

Panoramas 2012

Wallpaper pictures of Bleuler Malschule

Rheinfalls Paintings of Marcus Vallböhmer from Jestetten

Walter Elsener and Manfred Weigele: The Canton Schaffhausen in old views

Lake Constance story by Theodor Fontane

Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, The Rheinfalls near Schaffhausen with Hotel Weber

Edudard Schmid: Handdrawn Alpenpanorama from Uhwiesen

Pictures of the Swiss Painter Bruno Ritter

Pictures of the Writer and Painter Bruno Epple

A card game about the rheinfalls

The Bleuler painting school

Rheinfall images of the swiss painter Erwin Gloor

Peter Mettler's Rhine Falls collection at the Paradies convent.

Rheinfall plan at rheinfall.ch

Rheinfall Chocolats

Photos of the rheinfalls by the photographer Reto Schlatter.

Photo of the rheinfalls by the photographer Dieter Amsler.

Collection Quiet Tumult in the museum of Allerheiligen in Schaffhausen

Collection of Drapes with motives from the rheinfall

A rheinfall near Schaffhausen, painting by Hans Thoma

A picture of Ed Turner

Painting by Immanuel Labhard from the Wyser collection from GF.

Photo of the Koch photo archive

Photos of the photographer Michael Lio

A story: the ghostship from the Rheinfall of Schaffhausen

An animated areal foto

A postcard from the beginning of the 20. century showing the rhine falls.

A javascript animated schematic map of the rheinfalls

Postcards of the rheinfalls

Photo mosaic. A bit unusual because of usual subjects.

Handstand of the swiss competitive gymnast Siegbert Bader at the rheinfalls.

Photo of the rheinfall rock and boat using Tele.

Movie clip from the TV broadcast Festive events along the rhein.

Magic point rheinfall. Is the rheinfall a cosmo-telluristic place?

Photos and movie shot from a model aero plane 2011

Photos and movie shot from a model aero plane 2003

3D relief of the rheinfall area.

Navigation and coordinates around the rheinfall basin.

Painting of Adolf Dietrich showing the sinking of the steam boat Rheinfall.

Sketches by Tisserand of the art project Magicpack at the Rheinfalls.

Snippet from Eclipse Film Project

Photo by swissair from 15 thousand feet

Satellite photo of the rheinfall region.

Foam of the rheinfall.

Aereal image of the rheinfall.

Old picture of rheinfall with rheinfall rock.

Museum pictures of the rheinfall. Swiss natunal museum

Web cameras of the rheinfall.

Images of the photographer Max Baumann.

Photo of the photographer Max Baumann.

Papa Moll at the rheinfalls

Images of the rhein and boats

Older Rheinfall start page with falling letters

The K-K rheinfall pages on knill.com

Rheinfall photo from 1840 from the pioneer time of photography

Rheinfall pictures from the archive of the town of Schaffhausen

360 degree movies of the rheinfalls, summer 2006

Flight over the rheinfalls with google earth.

Flightsimulator with google earth.

360 degree panoramas of the rheinfalls, summer 2006

360 degree panoramas of Uhwiesen wein country, summer 2006

Old plates of the rheinfalls

Old map of the Kanton Zürich

Foto of a flight of August, 2009

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